having a doula such as Julia, is the best advice I would suggest for new and expecting parents…

As a partner who found himself consistently in the midst of learning about the process of pregnancy while constantly concerned about my partners health, safety and joy throughout her pregnancy I could not have asked for a better doula than Julia. She was critical for my education, with advice and guidelines for how to be supportive to my partner and really helped us truly feel prepared for our baby’s arrival. 

As it stands, I have discovered that having a doula such a Julia is the best advice I would suggest for new and expecting parents to be. For me, nothing could have been more valuable than having an experienced and emotionally in-tune professional to help guide and support you through this unforgettable time and magical event (at home or even at a hospital).

- Masseo - 


This kind of care is only possible from someone who “gets it.” I just may have another baby just to work with her again.


Her thoughtfulness and kind heart is what makes her invaluable.